jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

Relation sign - noise

The relation sign - noise measures the purity of the information to digitizing. Noise is any other information that he accompanies on the sign I gave? Cultando his transmission, storage and comprehension.
It is the quotient between the useful sign and the spurious noise.
When the manufacturers of digital chambers include in the especi? Caciones technologies the relation sign noise, it is in the habit of being simply the noise of reading. To force the ISO signi? Ca that exists less light and we have that sub to exhibit, but at the cost of generating noise and losing latitude (dynamic range). Is sensibility of each one of the elements of the sensor? Ja, with an approximate equivalent value to 100 ISO. Do the ISO top indexes that the digital chamber offers us achieve not for an increase in the sensibility of the elements captors, if not, for an ampli? Cación later of the sign that these issue.
Noise sources the S/N it is calculated as the difference between the level of the sign when the device works to normal level of work and the level of noise when with the same level it does not carry sign. Often the principal source of noise is in the habit of being the feeding source of the own equipment. Always there exists a percentage of parasitic noise. The most important types are: Noise of light sources: No? Ujo of light it is uniform, His diversion is random his effects only are estimated in zones of shades or sub exposed.
Residual current: Electrons of thermal origin that generates the silicon of the sensors to any major temperature to 0ºk. Noise of reading: is It generated in the pre ampli? Cador that reads the loads to the exit of the sensor (of type CCD or CMOS). It is the principal noise source, specially to short speeds.

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